Sixth former Maria says she first discovered St David’s College on social media and says the decision to join two years ago has been one of the best ones she’s ever made.
The Year 12 pupil literally glows with excitement when talking about how much she loves boarding at St David’s. Maria explains that a big part of her enjoyment is the pleasure of always being amongst friends.
An example she gives is the evening before our interview, she and her fellow boarders at Augusta House played ‘manhunt’ together in the extensive school grounds, with the younger boarders from the Snowdon, Cader and Tryfan houses joining in the fun.
Maria, who is studying A’Level English, Business Studies and psychology, says boarding means there is someone on hand to have a chat with or help with her homework.
She explains: “I’d much prefer to be a boarder than a day pupil, as the fun starts after school!
“There is always someone to share a joke with and I regard the girls in Augusta as my sisters,” she adds with a smile.
Whenever she’s on duty in the evenings, Maria enjoys reading to the younger girls and says fellow Year 12 pupil, Soraya, enjoys tucking the younger ones into bed and reveals the former Head Girl, Sophie Hunt, used to play loud music as a morning alarm to wake the house up!
Maria, from Zambia, said: “One of my favourite things to do in the boarding house is to watch movies together in the common room, and we have pamper nights where we put face masks on and do our nails together.
“We even drag down our mattresses to have sleepovers in the common room and our house parents, Jen and Ian Appleton, are just brilliant at making us all feel at home.”
During the weekends Maria takes part in the many activities on offer, and enjoys paddle-
boarding and walking amongst the mountain in Snowdonia, with the Outdoor Education Department.
One of the main highlights at the girls boarding house is the soup and rolls nights on a Sunday evening-a tradition thought to be started by, Steph Stephenson, when she was also a well-loved house parent.
“I’m already looking forward to Christmas as Mr. Appleton cooks Christmas dinner for us and we have trips to Chester for Christmas shopping,” said Maria.
“Before I came to St David’s I had issues with trust, but as soon as I came here I felt right at home and I’ve never been homesick.”
“Even the setting of St David’s is so beautiful, the green fields remind me of home in Zambia.”
If you would like more information on the amazing boarding opportunitiues at St David's College contact our Admissions Department on admissions@stdavidscollege.co.uk