St Davids College

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The Cadogan Learning Support Centre

“The Cadogan Centre enables pupils to feel safe, improve self-esteem and experience success.”

The Cadogan Centre was founded over fifty years ago and has grown into an internationally recognised centre of excellence for our educational approach and specialist one-to-one support. Currently, our highly experienced postgraduate level qualified teachers work together to deliver around 500 one-to-one specialist support lessons per week. Teachers monitor pupils’ academic learning as well as providing a substantial level of pastoral support and guidance to both pupils and parents. The Cadogan Centre has its own dedicated teaching rooms for 1:1 lessons or group lessons of 2-4 pupils. It has also launched an online facility for remote learning.

Removing barriers to learning

The Cadogan Centre provides individual tutoring for pupils with specific barriers to learning. These barriers may be hindering children from reaching their full academic and personal potential. This may have a negative impact on their social and emotional well-being and future opportunities.

We have recognised qualifications and experience in teaching pupils with:

  • challenges associated with literacy
  • extra support needed with maths
  • difficulties with memory and recall
  • slower processing skills
  • focus and attention challenges
  • language and communication support needs

The team includes a Speech and Language Therapist, Social Use of Language Programme, an Occupational Therapist, and access to a Strength and Conditioning coach.

the school’s high-quality learning support provision helps pupils to develop effective learning strategies to overcome their difficulties, improve their self-confidence and to make secure progress in line with their abilities
Estyn, 2019
Faye Favill

Special Needs Education Co-ordinator

Dr Faye Favill

Head of Cadogan, Learning Support SENCO