St Davids College


"It was super to be back in Sweden"

Published: 21.06.2023 ( a year ago )

After an overnight stop and a shop in Bengtsfors, we jumped into our canoes and headed North up Lelang, a huge lake measuring 40Km or so in length, with a trip objective of eventually paddling into Norway and then back down to Ed at the bottom of the 50Km long lake, Stora Le

The first days of the trip gave us clear, flat-calm conditions, with glassy water reflecting sky and trees. It was easy to get lost gazing at reflections only to look up and be heading in totally the wrong direction!

With a clear sky and light winds, we decided to make the most of conditions and covered the 40Km length of Lelang in two days, spending a night on an island right at the North of the lake.

The next morning saw our only portage of the trip, and it was onto the portage trollies for the canoes as we by-passed a hydroelectric station and some canal locks at Lennartfors. This put us onto Foxon lake, where we were able to swing South again and find an island in Norway on which to camp.

As we made our way South the wind began to build, and some heavy rain set in. Our intended camp was awful, small and already crowded. With the group already tired after paddling 16Km, we build a ‘mothership’ raft, got some sails out and blasted down the lake to cover the remaining 9Km to the next possible camp spot quickly. The camp we found (after 9 hours in the canoes!) was a lovely meadow in a nature reserve, well stocked with firewood and a perfect place to celebrate Will’s birthday.

Sadly, with a very windy forecast we had to leave this perfect camp early the next day to play ‘dodge the wind’. We got to our camp on Skotton Island for lunch, just in time for the wind to go from Force 1 to Force 4/5 in a matter of minutes, into which we would have been paddling. Isn’t it great when a plan comes together!

With a whole afternoon in camp to fill, the group set about washing and drying kit, having a swim, and building a sauna. It was a great last evening round the fire re-counting stories from the out time in the wild.

The group had asked for another early start to give them time to explore Gothenburg, and just before lunchtime we landed in Ed at the end of our trip. The total trip distance just tipped over 100Km as we touched the bank.

It was super to be back in Sweden, and we had a wonderful week exploring another area of Dalsland. Hopefully, the group picked up many skills and lessons which they might transfer to other aspects of life, and that maybe one day the embark on more adventures of their own making. Well done to all involved.
