St Davids College

Zoo 3

Chester Zoo 2022

Published: 30.05.2022 ( 2 years ago )

Our Years 5, 6, and 7 students visited Chester Zoo on Wednesday, 25th May.

Chester Zoo has a HUGE team of conservationists, scientists, educators, veterinary experts, botanists, wildlife managers, animal behaviourists, endocrinologists, and environmental policy influencers who are working together to FIGHT ANIMAL EXTINCTION. The Zoo is a major wildlife charity that is making an important contribution to addressing the global extinction crisis at a critical time.

The trip's focus was "Evolution and Adaptations," and they had a lesson in the zoo looking at the scalp shapes of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores and how they have adapted to their diet. After the lesson, pupils had their lunch and then had the afternoon to explore the sights of the Zoo themselves.

Dr. Rob Hughes who teaches science and was at the trip accompanying the children said:

“I think the way Chester Zoo has designed their animal enclosures helped the children conceptualise how natural, environmental pressures has led to the various animal species we have today. I think the trip also highlighted how we as a society need to preserve different environments present on our earth. Experiences outside the classroom like this one are very important to bolster what is learned inside the classroom”

All these experiences are enriching and character building, we believe in holistic education and that’s why our teaching goes beyond the classroom.
