St Davids College


St David's College Mock Election

Published: 06.05.2021 ( 3 years ago )

A politically aware Sixth Form pupil has organised a mock election in line with the Senedd and local Welsh elections taking place on May 6.

According to Zach Valentine, the aim of his project is to promote “unity and camaraderie” amongst the Sixth Form.

Zach Valentine is standing for the Abolish the Welsh Assembly party, Josh Davies and Sophie Hunt for the Green Party, Tirion Jones and George Eldredge for the Conservatives, and Henry Gillett for the Liberal Democrats. No one could be found to stand for the Labour party.

Zach explained why he wanted the election to take place: “Sadly during this time of social distance we have been unable to compete, participate, and enjoy the usual house and school events.”

He continued: “Candidates will be campaigning in order to gain the greatest votes. “Creating manifesto policies and insuring a fair yet fun election takes place.”

Zach added: “This is mainly a bit of fun, not to cause division and disturbance, rather to allow for discussion, debating, and development.”

The election is also a celebration of the fact that in Wales 16 and 17-year-olds now have the right to vote in some elections.

“As a student of history, I felt that we must mark and celebrate this historic event,” said Zach.

“In the end it doesn’t matter who wins or who loses, who fails or who succeeds, the score is just a score, and the real gains will be a more active and politically aware youth vote, creating the leaders of tomorrow today.”
