St Davids College


Street urchins spotted in the Minstrel Hall!

Published: 31.01.2025 ( 6 days ago )

At present Year 5 and 6 are learning all about the Victorian Industrial Revolution. How the Victorians influenced and shaped our society today, focusing on the innovators and pioneers of social, scientific and cultural change

They are also examining the historical importance of Queen Victoria, Victorian families and daily life.

The accompanying class book is the classic, Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell.

During yesterday’s workshop the children donned Victorian style clothes and acted out a role play about orphans living on the streets and child chimney sweeps. A few of the urchin sweeps even tried to give the Minstrel Hall chimney a quick sweep!

They also made Victorian style toys and learnt about the coin making process.

All in all, everyone had a memorable day and learned lots of facts about life in Victorian Britain.
