St Davids College


Amazing review of Loserville!

Published: 17.06.2024 ( 4 months ago )

NODA Wales & Ireland review by Lyn Emmerson has given a glowing review of Loserville, praising the whole cast and the set design, by Amelie Russell







25TH APRIL 2024

Co-Directors: Jennifer Appleton: Kate Russell

Musical Director: Pete Williams

‘Loserville’ is a musical with music and lyrics by James Bourne and Elliot Davis originally created for Youth Music Theatre U.K. a perfect choice for Schools or Youth Groups to perform and this production was no exception. The piece is set in the 1970’s in America and the Company was ‘full on’ enjoying the experience of being part of this musical when Computers were only just getting off the ground.

The show commenced with the Directors making use of the aisles introducing a very energetic routine by the Company, to make us all sit up and take note. It was evident that the main characters again reached the high standard of performance we are used to from St David’s College. Michael Dork, a young computer devotee was confidently played by Oliver Pearce who together with his mates Lucas Lloyd: Charlie Russell, Francis Weir: Finn Rose, and Marvin Camden: Oliver Chandran respectively, made up the excellent quartet of ‘Trekkies’ who try to change the world. All four gave solid performances. Joe Kennedy-Lynch added another string to his bow as bad guy and rich school bully Eddie Arch, son of the Head of Arch Industries, controlling his followers, ably played by Billy Griffiths as Huey Phillips, Flynn Thomas-Morgan as Louey Phillips: and Fred Paice as Wayne Pagoda. Both these groups demonstrated their understanding of the piece and were solid in their interpretation.

Issy Aubert as Holly Manson, and fellow computer buff, with dreams of being the first female astronaut, was excellent. She hit all the right notes with her characterisation and was confident in all her tasks, whilst Bella Russell added a valuable contribution to the success of the piece as Leia, Eddie’s girlfriend. Amelie Goodwin as Elaine Friend and Amelie Russell as Samantha Powden fully justified their castings.

Some of the Girls’ roles were shared on some performances and I have it on good authority that each character attained a very high standard of performance in their respective roles. Holly; April Williams. Leia: Lucy Duncalf, Elaine: Fleur Roberts, Samantha: Lucie Webster.

There were of course many Minor roles in the production and each person needs to be congratulated on their contribution.

All musical numbers were delivered enthusiastically by the whole Company, choreography was innovative and well implemented from The Chorus of Geeks, and Cheerleaders, and a nice touch from the SCI-FI band added to the success.

I must mention the set beautifully designed by one of the cast – Amelie Russell, which put us in right mood and atmosphere for our journey through this Si-Fi experience.

Congratulations to anyone who was involved in the show in any way whatsoever.

This is the opinion of the Reviewer
