St Davids College

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A Welsh adventure never to be forgotten

Published: 05.07.2023 ( a year ago )

However, the group rose magnificently to the challenge, which was a training of their Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedition, they will take in September, in the Lake District

The Outdoor Ed team will assess the skills of campcraft, navigation and teamwork, that they will have learnt during their adventure in Snowdonia.

They enjoyed comaradership, magnificent views and even an early morning visit on top of a mountain from our very own Mr Matthew Roberts, who was out on a morning run.

The four day, three night trek, meant they had to set up camp themselves, buy their own food and cook it, whilst on a strict budget. By day four everyone was extremely hungry, with one group surviving on just cooked pasta after having eaten all their snacks far too quickly!

Ian Martin, Head of Outdoor Ed, said: "They worked really well as a group, and it was lovely to hear Loutfy, make a totally impromptu speech at the end of trek saying how much he'd enjoyed it, even though it had been so tough and he'd never done anything like it before in his life."They'd had incredible weather and seen some amazing sunsets, but they were also rained on all night on the Sychnant Pass, all in all a huge well done to them all!"
