St Davids College

Eco cshools

We are Bronze Members of Eco Schools

Published: 08.07.2022 ( 2 years ago )

At St David’s College, we keep on working on our mission to save the planet.

Based on the Eco-Schools 22-page questionnaire and the 19 responses from 97 teachers of the Eco audit, Susanne Clayton, one of our one-to-one teachers who has taken the lead in this initiative, has collated suggestions for actions, targets and time frames for the next academic year as part of our Eco-Schools Bronze award.

She explains:

“There is a Silver award to aim for next and hopefully, with all of us addressing this together, we will be able to qualify.”

This year, she has written a memorable article published in the Lion Magazine 2022, where she speaks about the climate crisis and the debate about how to solve the problem as well as highlighting the great actions our pupils are making in this direction.

Coming back to the Eco-Schools program, Susanne has met with the heads of all departments to ensure the targets are achievable and realistic. The support and enthusiasm amongst the staff is fantastic, our Bursar, Kathy Baines, has been involved right from the start of the action plan and approximately 12 teachers have accepted to help the pupils with their actions. What a fantastic start!

The strongest and most far-reaching focus next year will be on education. This means the education of both staff and pupils. Staff have to become better role models and pupils will have to be coached into behaving responsibly to save energy and reduce waste.

Assistant Head (Academic), Mark Turner, will address this during Inset in September together with other members of the staff, Mark will organise a programme for children to be taught during term time about climate change issues, recycling at school, litter policy etc delivered by all subject teachers and tutors during 2022/23.

At Speech day, the guest speaker, Ben Roberts, highlighted the importance of becoming carbon-free. The Clogau Gold Managing Director, a former pupil of St David’s, and former governor told the 800 strong crowd how we must all work together as much as we can on our contribution for a better world and a better education to our children.

The next generation and the values ​​that we sow in them are the hope for a fairer and more sustainable world for all.

If you want to know how our project is going, stay tuned, we will keep you informed.
