Head of Year
Ms. Felicity Smith
Head of Year 7
A broad and deep curriculum in Years 7-9 guides pupils of all ability levels.
We encourage them to grow and explore their talents and interests, ensuring that they are stretched and supported in all academic areas and in the wider curriculum.
This is the time for our pupils to have a go at everything. The curriculum is delivered in small classes (an average of 12 pupils) by subject specialists. In this environment, all learning styles can be identified and accommodated – a hallmark of the St David’s College educational journey. All teachers are experienced in supporting pupils with barriers to learning such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia.
Core subjects include Mathematics, English, Art, Design, and Technology, Digital Technology, Geography, History, Outdoor Education, Performing Arts, Music, RE, Science, Spanish, Welsh, and Sport. Year 9 pupils can also opt to take Engineering.
Head of Year
Ms. Felicity Smith
Head of Year 7
Head of Year
Mrs. Elle Jones
Head of Year 8 & 9